Today, it’s cool to be an iconoclast. “I’m not religious, I’m spiritual,” is the new mantra. And, from the tone, it’s not good to be religious. I’ll jump on board. I want to be deep. Not some shallow boat tossed by every wave but a deep spiritual giant.
But is being religious bad? I criticize rote memorize of scripture (understanding, we need understanding!) but yet I find memorized scripture is what helps me when I’m in need. I criticize mindless ritual but yet chaos leaves me wondering, unsure, “what am I supposed to do?”
JESUS dogged the religious leaders of the day regularly. But yet HE went to temple, regularly. Many of the people HE healed were on the way to temple or already there. And HE taught at temple.
James, JESUS’s half brother, who grew up next to our LORD, wrote in his letter. True religion? Visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world (James 1:27b NASB). Since we are so spiritual, do we visit widows? Orphans? Are we unstained from the world or separated? Detached? Not quite living in the mess but hovering above it in our “holy” communities? Unfortunately, I think I know where I am.
LORD, help us to be not only a Spiritual people, ones filled with your HOLY SPIRIT but also a people who practice true religion. I pray we take care of widows and orphans. I pray we keep ourselves unstained from the world. I pray we do not detach from it but are a part of it—a light shining into the darkness.
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