Who was JESUS speaking to? In this passage, it was Levi, the tax collector. Flip over to Matthew and we see JESUS telling this to a bunch of fishermen. JESUS tells another to “let the dead bury the dead” and to follow HIM. But that one didn’t. Others did. People flocked to JESUS—and they followed HIM.
Did HE select the smartest? The strongest? The best looking?
“I didn’t come to invite good people to turn to GOD. I came to invite sinners.” Luke 5:32 CEV
He called the uneducated. The lost. The forgotten. The maimed. The hated. The sinners. The ones always picked last. And they loved HIM. They followed HIM. But when the multitudes heard it, they followed HIM on foot from the cities (Matthew 14:13b NKJV).
JESUS picked us first. HE didn’t call the religious leaders first. HE had harsh words for them. What does that say for us today? We have a chance. If HE called a bunch of fishermen and a tax collector to be HIS disciples, then we can follow their example and say yes. We don’t have to be the smartest, the prettiest, or the strongest. We need to be willing.
LORD, thank you that you picked us first. YOU don’t expect us to have it together. YOU don’t expect us to have it all figured out. YOU expect us to be willing. I pray that we will be willing and obedient to YOUR calling.
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