Friday, June 29, 2012


The more we talk, the less sense we make, so what good does it do to talk? Ecclesiastes 6:11 CEV

To listen to someone else speak takes work.  I must put aside my desire and force myself to concentrate on another.  I must die to self while placing another before me.

The writer of Ecclesiastes says, the more we talk, the less sense we make, so what good does it do to talk? Talking… am I providing information?  Compassion?  Love?  Or is it control?  Do I want to control another with my words?

Impressions.  I’ll admit there are times when I am rather impressed with my verbosity.  My knowledge.  My keen sense of wit.  And then I stop talking long enough to see the faces around me… I know the truth.  I make no sense.

Silence.  Do we fear it or embrace it?  Encourage it as a way to listen to others around us?  The world at work, speaking.  GOD.  GOD leading us and guiding us in HIS still small voice?

LORD give me ears to hear.

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