have great respect for the law. Not just
GOD’s law but the agreed-upon rules set forth by society. If we are to live with together then we
need guidelines on how to act and how to treat one another. We chose to live in society and getting along
with others in a civilized manner is essential.
lately I look around and see the rules in society as a bludgeoning tool—one where
the savviest can get away with more and the less knowledgeable one is punished
and kept down.
shouldn’t be surprised. It wasn’t much
different in JESUS’s day. The religious
leaders of the time knew the ins and outs of their created laws in order to be “more
righteous” than the regular person.
in the hearing of all the people HE [JESUS] said to his disciples, “Beware of
the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the
marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at
feasts, who devour widow’s houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.” Luke 20:45-47 ESV
scribes were religious lawyers. They
knew the law. And they knew the best way
to make the law work for them. Instead
of helping others, the ones who needed help, they helped themselves. Praying in public while lining their pockets
with gain from the most needy--widows.
Once again, I find that bludgeoning tool used to knock down. Instead of using their knowledge for good and
helping the ones who needed it the most, they increased their wealth. And they have a greater condemnation from
LORD I pray we practice true religion. I pray we are on the side of widows and orphans. I pray we use our knowledge to help, not to devour. I pray we help widows and orphans in their time of need and we keep ourselves unstained from the world.
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