What an odd verse. As I grow older, and find mysterious aches manifesting, I wonder about this verse. What did Job know?
How can I see GOD from this physical body? A body bound to a promise of decay and eventual death. But then I think on another promise. A new one. As a believer in CHRIST, I am a new creation. The old may have been promised to death but the new? What is the new promise?
With a loud command and with the shout of the chief angel and a blast of GOD’s trumpet, the LORD will return from heaven. Then those who had faith in CHRIST before they died will be raised to life (I Thessalonians 4:16 CEV).
Is that too much to hope for? GOD gave us a spiritual resurrection but HE gives a physical one as well? JESUS did it. He came back from the dead. Is that too much for me to hope for? I mean, HE is GOD. What am I? Merely a fallen creature? Yes. But something more too. That lovely tension that comes with being a CHRIST follower. Yes, this body will die. But HE who crushed death for HIMSELF will defeat death for me. I can look around and though I see loved ones in CHRIST die, I know that is not the end game. I have a new hope.
LORD, we thank you for sending YOUR SON to become one of us—ones with physical bodies. JESUS died so HE could destroy the one who has the power of death—the devil—and YOU have freed us who were slaves because of our fear of death. We do not have to fear death anymore.
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