On the fence of mercy or justice, where do you fall off? I suppose it depends on who it is. If it’s me, I want mercy. If it’s someone who’s wronged me, I want justice.
So where is the line? When are we to extend mercy? When do we get hard-nosed and demand justice? Why must I choose?
JESUS took our place and justified us. When we accept HIM, we are in right with GOD. So we are to extend mercy to all? But there are wrongs in the world. Extending mercy seems too much like… excusing.
Is there a way to show mercy while delivering justice? Can I be compassionate on those who have wronged me? Not excusing, still expecting them to receive the consequences, but to love them as they endure? Maybe endure with them?
I don’t know the answer. I see evil in the world. And I want justice. But no one person is completely bad. And only JESUS was all good. He tempered justice with mercy. But I worry I don’t have enough compassion. Enough love to do something about the evil in the world. I have only selfish desire.
Do we need more justice? Yes. Do we need more compassion in the world? Absolutely. How do I not forget justice but yet be more merciful?
Lord I pray we will be a living and holy sacrifice for YOU. I pray we will transformed so we may show YOUR mercies on others. I pray for justice. I pray for mercy. And, most especially, I pray for YOUR will to be done.
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