What’s the point? Why do we follow a man who lived two thousand years ago? There is no one correct answer—or maybe there is. We are to worship GOD.
Okay, so we could worship HIM during this lifetime. And when we die, that’s it, we’re done. Game over. There are plenty of people, one of them could take my spot when I’m dead and gone. But there is more.
Back in the beginning, GOD told Adam: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (Genesis 2:17 KJV).
Eve and Adam ate the fruit. And [cue drum roll] they still stood there? Yes, they died. For spiritually, it was immediate. Physically, not for a few (hundred) years. And now all of us have the promise of physical death to look forward to.
So back to the original question. Why do we follow a man that lived two thousand years ago? Because HE died? Yes, BUT (this is the kicker) HE rose again. One man, fully man, fully GOD, defeated death. HE burst out of the chains of death. He not only lives today. But invites us to join HIM in life. And life after death. This life is not all there is. There is more to come…
LORD, I thank YOU that my redeemer lives and that HE was not bound to death but lives again. And knowing that, I pray we will not walk by sight but by faith.
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